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In the News

Stay up-to-date with Organize Tennessee’s impact in the media as we work to safeguard voting rights and  highlighting our efforts to empower communities, protect the vote, and advocate for fair, accessible elections for all Tennesseans.

Organize Tennessee Statement
Early Voting Issues Addressed

Voters reported ballot selection issues in several counties. It is crucial for every voter to have their voice heard and their choices accurately reflected in the electoral process. 

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Tennessee is in the bottom five states when it comes to voter turnout. A new report finds that state policy makes voting harder for communities of color and disabled voters.


This election season, we have a unique opportunity to change that narrative. In
partnership with Organize Tennessee – the state’s leading election protection
nonprofit – I am launching a voter registration and voter education initiative across the high schools in District 1. Our goal is to ensure that every eligible student is registered to vote, understands their voting rights, and is informed about the issues that will impact their lives and their communities.


Organize Tennessee, a voting rights advocacy organization, and Dēmos, a nonprofit public policy organization, released a joint report finding that the state of Tennessee is among the worst for voting access, particularly for voters of color.


News Channel 5+ Morning Line
Protecting Your Vote

What are voting laws like in Tennessee? What challenges do some Tennesseans face when going to the polls? On this episode of MorningLine, Nick Beres is joined by Nadira Freeman, Executive Director of Organize Tennessee, to discuss protecting ballot access in Tennessee.


Tennessee state officials are doing more to weaken democracy then give the people the opportunity to participate in elections. Opinion piece by Organize Tennessee Organizing Director, Adam Altendorf.


Executive Director of Organize Tennessee Nadira Freeman joins the program to share how potential voters can overcome frustrations when registering and why it matters.

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Exercising your right to vote, even in times of disillusionment, is still one of the best ways to communicate a hunger for change.


“Tennessee is a state that just doesn’t really believe in pro-voter legislation,” Freeman said. “Whereas you have states across the country that are making it easier to vote, Tennessee doubles down and triples down on making it harder.”

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Some people say they vote because it’s the least they can do. But what if you want to do more? What other options are available to voice your opinion, advocate for or against issues you care about, and influence policy? And what do you do when the action you take doesn’t get the results you want?

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